
SecureChain AI supports Metamask and other EVM compatible wallets

NOTE: Check compatibility before using wallet, Ledger is not supported.


Please download Metamask from its official website:https://metamask.io

Please add custom network in Metamask to start using SecureChain AI Mainnet or Testnet.

SecureChain AI Mainnet

Network Name: SCAI Mainnet
New RPC URL: https://mainnet-rpc.scai.network
Chain ID: 34
Currency Symbol: SCAI
Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.securechain.ai

SecureChain AI Testnet

Network Name: SCAI Testnet
New RPC URL: https://testnet-rpc.securechain.ai
Chain ID: 3434
Currency Symbol: SCAI
Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.securechain.ai

Last updated